Join in every Monday for the Homeschool Highlight Meme.
Write a post about a highlight from your past week of home learning. Here are some ideas: an accomplishment, an event or outing, a fun learning experience, a new educational product your family enjoys, an unexpected teachable moment. You can also use the Homeschool Hi-Lights graphic, if you want to.
Please remember to link back to this site, so that others can learn how to join in. Then, leave your link below. Visit the other participants! It’s a great way to make new bloggy friends and to encourage each other in homeschooling. Thanks so much for your participation.
Normally, the Homeschool Hi-Lights Meme will be available with a Mr. Linky at 11:00 pm (eastern time) on Sunday.

Spring has finally sprung in here. I'd have to say that our hi-light was going for a walk down our country road. It's amazing what you can observe and learn on a walk. Here are the learning experiences we had:
- Saw wild animal tracks in the soft mud along the roadside.
- Found a skunk skull (Last summer we saw this same skunk decomposing.)
- Discussed melting snow and how it flows down the ditches toward the river.
- Floated plastic flip flops through the drain pipes, hoping that there weren't any branches or a build up of leaves inside.
- Collected 40 beer bottles along the roadside (40 bottles divided by 4 girls is 50 cents each in bottle refunds. Woohoo!)
- Had a discussion about why there would be so many beer bottles along the roadside when we have a no drinking and driving law in the USA.
- Came up with the plan to take another walk, later this week, with garbage bags. We'll do a little community service project and pick up the litter along the road. The girls agreed that they would if it meant they could go for another walk.
- Improved our health with a one hour walk, warm sunshine, and fresh air.
I was all ready this week & then remembered I'm a whole day ahead of you. lol. So I'm first this week. Hope you're having a good one.
Your nature walk sounds wonderful. My boys and I need to start taking some nature walks too.
It sounds like you had a wonderful walk - you managed to pack so much into it! I love your community service idea too!
I am so thrilled that I found your website!! And I love this meme ;) Thanks.
Sounds like a fun walk. Hope you have a great week.
I am so glad to have found your blog this weekend. From the sound of it, we have very similar homeschooling "theories", and you have so many wonderful ideas and resources. I am on my 2nd "set" of girls : ) and this very relaxed/unschooling is new to us this time around. Thanks for all of the time you've put into your site. I'm adding you to my friends list, so I can check back often.
Nature walks are so much fun. Glad your gang enjoyed yours.
Thanks for doing this meme. It sure is good to connect with other homeschoolers, even if only by computer. I am having fun reading everyone's highlights.
The nature walk sound fabulous. We live in a beautiful location with woods and streams all around us. We will be nature walking as soon as spring arrives in the great state of Washington. Just last week we had snow. UGH!!!
Wow, I'm nowhere near first LOL! Look at all these entries!
Thanks for letting me know about this. I look forward to participating! Looks like fun!
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