Update: This will be the last homeschool hi-light for a few months.
I'm taking a break from this meme for 2-3 months. I'm sorry to those of you who homeschool during June, July, and August. It seems like the majority of us are taking a break though.
Write a post about a highlight from your past week of home learning. Here are some ideas: an accomplishment, an event or outing, a fun learning experience, a new educational product your family enjoys, an unexpected teachable moment. You can also use the Homeschool Hi-Lights graphic, if you want to.
Please remember to link back to this site, so that others can learn how to join in. Then, leave your link below. Visit the other participants! It’s a great way to make new bloggy friends and to encourage each other in homeschooling. Thanks so much for your participation.
Normally, the Homeschool Hi-Lights Meme will be available with a Mr. Linky at 11:00 pm (eastern time) on Sunday.

A few days ago, we realized that caterpillars were making their cocoons on the siding on our garage. We managed to get 2 caterpillars before they made cocoons and we put them in a bucket with some sticks and paper birch bark. By the next day, one caterpillar had made his cocoon on a piece of bark and the other made his on the side of the bucket. The cocoons are darker than the one in the photo.
We are anxious for them to emerge. I am hoping that they won't become boring, ugly moths. Even if they do, having cocoons is exciting for me and my little girls - definitely a homeschool hi-light for us. We've never realized that these caterpillars do this at the end of May. When you pay close attention to nature, you see all sorts of neat things.
Each summer we go to the botanical gardens to see the butterfly display, including viewing cocoons and the new butterflies emerging. Our highlight this week was a park outing with friends.
Hi there,
We have been so swamped lately with gardening and getting ready for a garage sale, I haven't taken the time to post any homeschool hilights. I will miss reading them over the summer but will look forward to joining back with you come fall. Have a great summer. I have your blog saved on mine as a "Blog I Frequent", so I will check in from time to time.
Well, you do have a moth cocoon, but maybe he won't be boring and ugly. Butterflies make a chrysalis. They are hard, and usually green or brown. Our highlight this week is a much different insect.
I was participating in Monday Meanderings. However, the lady who hosts it has decided to give it up. I've been looking for something different to do on Mondays. I think I just found it!
:-) I look forward to joining you this fall, unless the Lord points me in another direction.
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