Saturday, July 12, 2008

Getting Started

When I started homeschooling over 10 years ago, there just wasn't much information available to me. I had to learn about homeschooling mostly through trial and error. There is so much variety available in curriculum and help now. It makes it much easier for the family to get started in homeschooling.

The first year of homeschooling is daunting for everyone; the unfamiliar jargon, the too-many-to-count curriculum choices, the methods that everyone swears's almost enough to make you give up before you've started! Let The First Year of Homeschooling Your Child take off some of the pressure by answering your most urgent questions, and giving you some encouragement and hard-learned advice along the way. This guide will help you to determine your first steps, build your own educational philosophy and discover the best ways to cater to your child's learning philosophy. 348 pages. $11.53

It's a homeschool convention in a book! For novice and veteran teachers, this extensive guide offers details about today's most viable education models and helps you choose methodologies. Over 20 contributors---including Christine Field, Diana Waring, and Dr. Ruth Beechick---provide seasoned advice on classical, Charlotte Mason, unit study, and other methods; special needs; carschooling; whole heart learning; and more. 280 pages. $11.69

Christine and Mark Field cast a grand vision for the education of homeschooled children across the world; written in a pleasant conversational tone, they passionately establish their perspectives on a biblical-minded approach to education. Through subject-by-subject chapters you'll be exposed to broad yet detailed chapters on language arts, math, history, life skills and more; infuse your "head skills" with more than a little passion for God with the advice in Homeschooling 101. 304 pages. $11.24